TEDx in Prisons
TEDx in Prisons

State Correctional Institution - Muncy is a women's prison run by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. It houses medium and maximum security inmates, including those on death row. In all the facility can hold around approximately 1,450 inmates.

The prison has a number of specialized units including a diagnostic and classification unit, a mental health unit, a special needs unit, a special residential treatment unit, and a young adult offender unit.

The Institution provides training in building trades, computer technologies, custodial maintenance, horticulture, cosmetology, and machining. It also offers apprenticeship programs in painting, plumbing, automotive repair, and welding. Inmates can also participate be employed in a garment factory that produces inmate uniforms, kitchen uniforms, and several staff uniforms or can study for and earn their GED. Multiple workshops are available to inmates, including substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, and sex offender treatment.

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